Monday, November 10, 2008

MSNBC's Election Coverage

While watching MSNBC’s coverage of the election, I noticed that they seemed fairly neutral. There were guests brought on talking about McCain, and there were guests brought on talking about Obama. For the majority of the time, as I am sure with most stations, MSNBC focused heavily on states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

McCain had the early lead but it appeared as though each state thereafter went to Obama. As more and more electoral votes fell to Obama, MSNBC kept showing more from the Obama standpoint. A lot was done with focusing on the park in Chicago where Obama would give his speech if he managed to maintain his lead, and pull out the victory.

One thing I particularly liked about MSNBC’s coverage is how they were so quick to establish which states went to which candidate. They also had interactive polls throughout their coverage showing how different demographics voted based upon certain characteristics of the candidates. For example, one poll asked if race played a role in their voting decision. Of those that said yes, about one third said they still voted for Barack Obama.

Overall, MSNBC covered the election very professionally, not wavering towards one side in particular. When they saw the election quickly falling to the side of Obama, they focused more on him. They also had coverage of McCain’s speech as well at Obama’s right as they were happening.

Monday, October 27, 2008

What if they selected ________ as a running mate?

If Barrack Obama Chose…

Hillary Clinton – If Sen. Obama had chosen Hillary Clinton as his running mate, the entire United States might self-destruct. Imagine Sarah Palin and Clinton going at it in debates? One would stand up there still trying to persuade the country that she is the democratic favorite while the other would dance around the question, sounding almost afraid to give a direct answer like a dog in the presence of a vacuum cleaner. Yes, Hillary might have been a decent choice because her husband was President when the country came out of debt, but who honestly wants Bill being the Vice President’s puppeteer? It just would not work out.

John Edwards – What a debacle this could have been! Obama chooses John Edwards as a running mate only for the country to find out Edwards has been having an affair. Remember Bill and Monica? The United States would not want to deal with another one of those! Even worse: a Vice President who not only cheats, but cheats on his wife suffering from incurable breast cancer. The country can be split on a black man with the middle name “Hussein” running for President, a country can even be split if he chose a woman as his running mate, but what the country will never do is vote for a President that chose a cheater as his running mate. That’s a big no-no throughout the country.

If John McCain Chose…

Mitt Romney – How this man ever became a presidential candidate is unfathomable. First off, he is lucky his political career as a Republican started in arguably the most democratic state in the nation, Massachusetts. At this point however, I’m sure McCain would rather have Romney than the sophisticated Sarah Palin. At least Romney does not feel he has ties with every country in the world because he was a CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympics. Actually, maybe he does. How great of a running mate would that be? A Vice President that has relations with 77 different countries! Oh, the possibilities!

Joe Lieberman РAh, the original choice of Sen. McCain, Joe Lieberman. A former Democrat turned Independent from the northeast would be perfect! This could possibly pull some of the democratic votes away from that area of the country. Oh, but one problem: Lieberman, a backer of abortion rights, did not sit well with Christian conservative supporters. I guess in that case the amount of votes McCain would lose from his own party in comparison with the amount of votes he would gain from the opposing party just would not add up. Touch̩ on choosing the abortion-opposed Sarah Palin, Sen. McCain.

Monday, October 20, 2008

If Obama Were to Strike Back, How He Would Do It

How to Get Back At McCain:

• Senator McCain claims himself no to change position on topics with other politicians. However, McCain’s campaign told the New York Times that as a Senator, he “has evolved rather than switched positions in his 25-year career.” Obviously in this case, “evolved” is a synonym for altering his stance on topics.

• McCain supported the DREAM Act which would legalize all children of illegal immigrants that graduate from high school. He is now against it.

• Prior to entering the war in Iraq, McCain said, “We will win this conflict. We will win it easily.” Now he says he knew the war was “probably going to be long and hard and tough.” Certainly not the type of man that should be leading our country.

• I have been targeted for my vague acquaintances with certain people such as Rev. Jeremiah Wright. What about McCain becoming buddy-buddy with Jerry Falwell? After the terrorist attacks of September 11, Falwell blamed Americans saying, “The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this [attack] because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad.” Falwell then went on to hatefully attack religious minorities, abortion-rights advocates, feminists, gays and advocates of church-state separation. Falwell then went on to say, “I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen!’” Now, the man McCain once criticized has become a close ally. This seems quite hypocritical to me.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lost Remote: Google launches voter information mashup

This article presents links to the reader where they are able to go and register to vote. It makes registering so simple, and is really an innovative idea on the part of Google. The multimedia presented with article is a great tool to help reach the younger generation of Americans. The video uses various celebrities to draw in an audience and they do a great job of persuading unregistered voters to register and pass along the message to others.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Where McCain and Obama Stand on the Bailout: by Tyler Chaput and Matt Pellicane

As Americans are still trying to figure out the pros and cons of the proposed “bailout”, Sen. John McCain is attempting to decide his stance on the bailout plan. With Election Day looming, McCain’s decision could play a sizeable role in the minds of voters.

On one hand, conservative Republicans are reluctant to contributing a large amount of taxpayer’s money to the crisis on Wall Street. On the other hand, the White House, along with Democrats and Republicans, believes that the bailout is needed to divert a “potential economic disaster.”

McCain needs the support of conservative Republicans. It took them awhile to come around to McCain, but the selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate made them buy into his candidacy. Otherwise, he could possibly lose their votes which would be a big blow to his chances at becoming the next president.

McCain is adamant that the bailout includes a group that observes the treasury secretary, and limits the compensations of executives of financial institutions applying for loans.

The other presidential candidate for the upcoming election, Sen. Barrack Obama, completely disagrees with how President Bush and his administration are going about their bailout plan. As it stands, the current plan would have taxpayers give money and have decreased benefits. These benefits would in turn go to high-paid executives that are involved in the bailout.

Obama said of the current bailout plan, “It is wholly unreasonable to expect that American taxpayers would or should hand this administration or any administration a $700 billion blank check with absolutely no oversight or conditions when a lack of oversight in Washington and on Wall Street is exactly what got us into this mess.”

In order for the bailout to work, Obama believes the plan must be outlined by four principles:

1. A ban on generous payouts for "irresponsible CEOs on Wall Street."
2. Using a bipartisan independent board to oversee the bailout’s execution instead of Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson, having sole control.
3. An investor stake for taxpayers.
4. Assisting those in danger of being foreclosed on.

According to Shailagh Murray of the Washington Post, Obama also would call for a stimulus package. However, this package would be omitted from the bailout bill.

In the current plan either the taxpayers or financial system will suffer. Obama says, “It is absolutely wrong to suggest that we cannot protect American taxpayers while still stabilizing our market and saving our financial system from collapse. We can and must do both.”

On Monday September 29, both John McCain and Barack Obama decided to carefully endorse President Bush’s projected bailout plan. This plan allows the administration to use billions of dollars that belong to taxpayers, in order buy the falling properties of the troubled financial firms.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lost Remote: A Look at CBS' Citizen Journalism iPhone App

This article went on to explain how essentially the iPhone will start allowing people to become walking televisions. They will be able to eventually record anything using their iPhone and be able to share it with others. The possibilities that arrive with the "CBS EyeMobile" application will allow almost any spontaneous event that occurs to be recorded and posted by ordinary citizens. The way Lostremote set up this article gives the reader a view of how EyeMobile is set up on one's iPhone. Another benefit of the article is that it is set up so that if one owns an iPhone, they can select the link that will immediately connect them to the application for downloading.