Monday, October 27, 2008

What if they selected ________ as a running mate?

If Barrack Obama Chose…

Hillary Clinton – If Sen. Obama had chosen Hillary Clinton as his running mate, the entire United States might self-destruct. Imagine Sarah Palin and Clinton going at it in debates? One would stand up there still trying to persuade the country that she is the democratic favorite while the other would dance around the question, sounding almost afraid to give a direct answer like a dog in the presence of a vacuum cleaner. Yes, Hillary might have been a decent choice because her husband was President when the country came out of debt, but who honestly wants Bill being the Vice President’s puppeteer? It just would not work out.

John Edwards – What a debacle this could have been! Obama chooses John Edwards as a running mate only for the country to find out Edwards has been having an affair. Remember Bill and Monica? The United States would not want to deal with another one of those! Even worse: a Vice President who not only cheats, but cheats on his wife suffering from incurable breast cancer. The country can be split on a black man with the middle name “Hussein” running for President, a country can even be split if he chose a woman as his running mate, but what the country will never do is vote for a President that chose a cheater as his running mate. That’s a big no-no throughout the country.

If John McCain Chose…

Mitt Romney – How this man ever became a presidential candidate is unfathomable. First off, he is lucky his political career as a Republican started in arguably the most democratic state in the nation, Massachusetts. At this point however, I’m sure McCain would rather have Romney than the sophisticated Sarah Palin. At least Romney does not feel he has ties with every country in the world because he was a CEO of the 2002 Winter Olympics. Actually, maybe he does. How great of a running mate would that be? A Vice President that has relations with 77 different countries! Oh, the possibilities!

Joe Lieberman – Ah, the original choice of Sen. McCain, Joe Lieberman. A former Democrat turned Independent from the northeast would be perfect! This could possibly pull some of the democratic votes away from that area of the country. Oh, but one problem: Lieberman, a backer of abortion rights, did not sit well with Christian conservative supporters. I guess in that case the amount of votes McCain would lose from his own party in comparison with the amount of votes he would gain from the opposing party just would not add up. Touché on choosing the abortion-opposed Sarah Palin, Sen. McCain.

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